Why do we like replays in music? ≪ Scisne?

  1. The similar

How many times does the chorus in your favorite song repeat? How many times have you listened to this chorus? Repetitions in music are not just a feature of Western pop songs - it is a global phenomenon. Why? Elizabeth Helmut Margulis shows us the basic principles of the effect of “attachment to a friend”, explaining how, thanks to repetition, we cease to be passive listeners and become active participants in the musical process.
Translation and voice acting: Vert dider

The similar

  • Bbc

  • Alexey Paevsky

  • Music is an abstract art form devoid of language and clear ideas. It consists entirely of subtext and subtle, elusive matter. And yet, despite the low semantic load, the music touches us to the depths of the soul. The pupils dilate, the pulse and blood pressure increase, blood rushes to the legs, the electrical conductivity of the skin decreases, the cerebellum is excited.

  • The love of music has deep roots: people have been composing and listening to it since culture began. More than 30 thousand years ago, our ancestors already played stone flutes and bone harps. It seems that this hobby has a congenital nature. Infants turn to the source of pleasant sounds (consonances) and turn away from unpleasant (dissonances). And when we are in awe of the final sounds of a symphony, the same pleasure centers are activated in the brain as during a tasty meal, having sex or taking drugs.

  • Victor Argonov Project

  • The emotional similarity of our perception of music is striking. The same sounds make crowds of people happy or sad, unite many human atoms into a single whole. According to the British psychologist John Sloboda, up to 80 percent of the listeners interviewed by him admitted that certain musical plays caused a downright physical reaction in them.

  • Dolnik V.R.

    In the tropics, all overlaps monkey roar. These are the noisiest mammals. From time to time the forest is announced with group cries of tremendous power. Monkeys get excited, shake, jump, shake trees. The purpose of this demonstrative behavior, as ethologists call it, is to show the neighboring groups the power and unity of their group. After participating in demonstrative noise, each member of the group feels more confident, especially if his group shouted down neighbors. From such ancestors, we, the people, got not only sound immunity, but also many innate programs of behavior associated with it. One of them is the need for group shufflers.

Further >>> How many times have you listened to this chorus?